Sunday, July 12, 2009

Question from a Reader...

I received this question this evening:

hey michelle, im 15 years old and i need help! My hair is very thick, rough, and long. When i wash it and leave it air dry its a frizz ball and i spent a lot of time trying to find products that will make my hair look like selena gomez hair or vanessa hudgens hair but it doesn't work im just spending my time and money. Straightening it just makes it dull and look greasy and not shiny. My hair is dark brown and i love it being that color but do NOT love the frizz and it being poofy. I want wavy soft shiny hair. But idk how to get it please send me some tips on how to get it.
From a teenage girl who wants awesome hair

Dear teenage girl who wants awesome hair... I need to know more! 95% of the time, frizzy hair is the result of damage. Very few people actually have naturally frizzy hair. If you're hair is frizzy because it is damaged, there is much you can do to mask the damage and start to get back to a healthy head of hair, but that takes time. Are you patient? Dedicated? If so, then start with these tips:

1. Stop using blow dryers, irons and brushes
2. Stop using shampoo - read my 10 tips (you'll need to register at
3. Stop coloring/straightening your hair
4. Start washing your hair less often and use "bunning" as a drying technique (I'm writing an article on bunning, but in the meantime, look it up at the long hair forum)
5. Start oiling your hair and massaging your scalp

Finally, send me a picture, or post one here (if you can) so I can see better what we're dealing with! You might be a good candidate for Brazilian Keratin Treatment, though I am hesitant to recommend that without knowing more about what your hair is like...

Good luck...
